Thursday, September 19News That Matters


Fukushima Nuclear Plant Worker Found with Elevated Radiation Levels in Nose

Fukushima Nuclear Plant Worker Found with Elevated Radiation Levels in Nose

Breaking News, Tech
A worker at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant has been discovered with elevated radiation levels in his nose, raising concerns about the ongoing challenges associated with the decommissioning process of the plant. The worker is suspected to have removed their full-face mask after completing tasks, potentially exposing themselves to radioactive materials. Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) reassured that the employee is not facing immediate health issues, and a comprehensive full-body scan showed no signs of internal contamination. This incident follows a similar one three months ago when four workers were splashed with water containing radioactive materials, resulting in hospitalization for two of them. The Fukushima nuclear plant suffered a major disaster in 2011 after a massive earthquake and...
Australia to Unveil DeepSouth: World’s First Supercomputer to Simulate Human Brain Networks

Australia to Unveil DeepSouth: World’s First Supercomputer to Simulate Human Brain Networks

Breaking News, Tech
Australian researchers are on the verge of unveiling the world’s first supercomputer designed to simulate brain networks at an unprecedented scale. Named DeepSouth, this groundbreaking supercomputer is being developed by Western Sydney University, with the potential to revolutionize our understanding of how the human brain processes information with incredible energy efficiency. The human brain, consuming a mere 20 watts of power, achieves the processing equivalent of an exaflop, or a billion-billion mathematical operations per second. DeepSouth, set to go online next year, will boast a remarkable capability of 228 trillion synaptic operations per second, rivaling the estimated rate of operations in the human brain. The primary objective of DeepSouth is to unravel the mysteries of th...