Saturday, February 22News That Matters

Sargasso Sea: Earth’s Only Sea Without Shores Faces Climate Crisis

The Sargasso Sea, located in the North Atlantic Ocean, is the only sea in the world that doesn’t touch any land. It is defined by four ocean currents the North Atlantic Current, Canary Current, North Atlantic Equatorial Current, and Antilles Current forming a natural boundary rather than a coastline.

Instead of sandy shores, the sea is blanketed by large mats of Sargassum seaweed, giving it a distinctive appearance. This seaweed has been washing up on the shores of North America and the Caribbean, but out in the open sea, it serves as a haven for marine life. The Sargasso Sea Commission highlights the region’s ecological importance, noting it provides breeding grounds for endangered eels and migratory paths for species like sperm and humpback whales, tuna, and turtles.

Historically and culturally, the sea has fascinated explorers and storytellers alike. Christopher Columbus wrote of his crew’s fear of being trapped in its seaweed mats during his 1492 expedition. The Sargasso Sea’s location near the Bermuda Triangle added to its mystique, as sailors shared tales of strange disappearances in the region.

However, the Sargasso Sea faces growing environmental threats. Underwater noise pollution, chemical spills, overfishing, and the accumulation of plastics in the North Atlantic Garbage Patch are damaging the ecosystem. A December 8 study revealed the sea is now warmer, saltier, and more acidic than ever recorded, with climate change accelerating its decline. Oceanographer Nicholas Bates warned that these changes could have lasting effects on global weather patterns and marine life.

Despite its challenges, the Sargasso Sea remains a critical part of the Atlantic ecosystem, often described as a “golden floating rainforest” by marine biologist Dr. Sylvia Earle. Protecting this unique sea is essential for preserving its biodiversity and cultural significance for generations to come.

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