Thursday, September 19News That Matters

Unprecedented Geological Changes Unveiled by Drone Footage due to recent Japan 7.5 Magnitude Earthquake: Massive Ground Uplift observed

In the wake of the catastrophic 7.5 magnitude earthquake that jolted Japan on January 1, 2024, shocking drone footage has emerged, exposing a harrowing reality. The ground in various locations across Japan has risen, reaching staggering heights of up to 13 feet.

Watch the drone footage here to witness the dramatic transformation of the landscape.

Earlier reports detailed the substantial shift of Japan’s coasts by more than 800 feet after the seismic event struck the Noto Peninsula. The earthquake’s impact is now vividly displayed in the drone footage, revealing raised land and altered topography.

Satellite images captured the stark changes in the affected areas, showcasing a significant retreat of the sea by 820 feet. This retreat has led to the emergence of once-submerged land, resulting in the drying up of numerous beaches. The altered coastal geography has presented challenges for maritime activities, making it difficult for boats to navigate.

The Noto Peninsula, particularly from Kaiso to Akasaki, has witnessed what experts term “Coseismic Coastal Uplift.” This phenomenon involves the rising of coastal land following seismic activity. In this case, the earthquake led to the recession of seawater, causing the uplift of coastal terrain at ten locations.

Researchers from the Earthquake Research Institute of Tokyo University have been closely monitoring these changes. The tsunami waves, reaching heights of 14 feet, left visible marks on buildings in Akasaki port, further confirming the extent of the disaster. Japanese space agency JAXA’s ALOS-2 satellite has also recorded this coastal uplift.

By comparing satellite images taken on January 2, 2024, with those from June 2023, the stark contrast in coastal geography becomes apparent. The profound impact of the earthquake has left lasting imprints on Japan’s landscape, underscoring the far-reaching consequences of natural disasters on our environment.

Edited by Dr. Brijendra Kumar Mishra, (Disaster Risk Reduction Expert)

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