Wednesday, March 12News That Matters

Breaking News

NASA’s Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Captures 14 Years of the Universe’s Gamma Radiation in Stunning Timelapse

NASA’s Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Captures 14 Years of the Universe’s Gamma Radiation in Stunning Timelapse

Breaking News, Space, Tech
A timelapse compiled from data collected by NASA’s Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope between August 2008 and August 2022 reveals a captivating view of the Universe’s gamma radiation. Fermi, launched in 2008, has been instrumental in studying gamma radiation sources, including those emanating from supernova remnants, pulsar stars, quasar and blazar galaxies, and other energetic celestial phenomena. Gamma radiation, being the most energetic light in the cosmos, is typically blocked by Earth’s atmosphere, necessitating the deployment of telescopes like Fermi in space to capture this elusive light. The recently released timelapse showcases the diverse sources of gamma radiation observed by Fermi over the course of 14 years. Judy Racusin, an astronomer at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center,...
Dimming the Sun: A Radical Solution to Climate Change or a Cosmic Conundrum?

Dimming the Sun: A Radical Solution to Climate Change or a Cosmic Conundrum?

Breaking News, Disasters, Idea & Innovations, Space
In a bid to combat the relentless march of climate change, scientists are proposing an unconventional approach: dimming the Sun. With global temperatures surpassing critical thresholds, a team of researchers suggests mimicking the cooling effect of major volcanic eruptions by creating an artificial haze in the upper atmosphere. While this may sound like the stuff of science fiction, experts argue it could be a feasible solution to curb the warming trend. The Earth’s warming, primarily driven by greenhouse gases like CO₂, could be counteracted by releasing reflective particles into the upper atmosphere. The goal is to dim the Sun by approximately 1%, which, according to research, could cool the planet by 1°C. This approach has historical precedent, as natural phenomena like volcanic erup...
Climate Change’s Chilling Impact on Global Rivers leads to Troubling Tale of Water Quality

Climate Change’s Chilling Impact on Global Rivers leads to Troubling Tale of Water Quality

Breaking News, Environment, Learning & Developments
In the intricate tapestry of our planet’s ecosystems, rivers have long been the lifeblood, nurturing not only the lands they flow through but also the communities that depend on them. However, a recent review of nearly a thousand studies has cast a somber shadow on the state of our world’s rivers. It tells a tale of climate change‘s relentless assault on water quality, a narrative of concern for the vital resource that sustains life. An international team of experts, led by Utrecht University in the Netherlands and including scientists from the University of Adelaide, delved into 965 studies from every corner of the globe, conducted between 2000 and 2022. Their findings paint a picture of climate change’s profound impact on our rivers, shaking the very foundations of these ecosystems. ...
The impact of artificial intelligence and virtual reality: How artificial intelligence and VR are transforming society and their long-term effects

The impact of artificial intelligence and virtual reality: How artificial intelligence and VR are transforming society and their long-term effects

Breaking News, Tech
The convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) technologies has led to a profound transformation in various aspects of society. AI’s ability to process massive amounts of data and VR’s ability to create immersive experiences have opened up new opportunities and challenges across many industries. A revolutionary industry The integration of AI and VR is reshaping industries across all disciplines. In healthcare, VR is used to train doctors, run simulations and help with mental health treatment. Artificial intelligence-based medical algorithms improve diagnostic accuracy and streamline treatment plans, improving patient outcomes. In addition, AI and VR are transforming manufacturing by optimizing production processes, predicting maintenance needs and reducin...
Climate Change Poses Growing Risk of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in the Third Pole Region

Climate Change Poses Growing Risk of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in the Third Pole Region

Breaking News, Environment, Thoughts & Talks
December 17, 2023, A new study published in the journal Nature Communications has raised climate change alarms about the increasing threat of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) in the Third Pole region, encompassing the Tibetan Plateau, the Himalayas, Hindu Kush, and Tianshan Mountain ranges. Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have highlighted the vulnerability of this ecologically crucial area to the impacts of climate change. The research indicates that the expansion of glacial lakes and the emergence of new ones in the Third Pole region are likely to result in a higher frequency of GLOFs in the coming years. This calls for the development of improved analytical methods and datasets to anticipate and mitigate potential disasters associated with these events. The Thi...
How space technology helped humanity in the field of early warning of weather related disasters and connectivity

How space technology helped humanity in the field of early warning of weather related disasters and connectivity

Breaking News, Space
Space technology can measure and predict the effects of unforeseen disasters that can threaten both the environment and the population. Atmospheric technology can take care of disaster risk assessments, mitigation, and disaster risk management adjustments. Before using this type of technology worldwide, there must be a growing awareness of potential disasters, building national capacity and developing a solution that is more specific and specific to the needs of the developing world. The purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual model of early warning and control system using satellite telemetry, as well as to determine what current unresolved issues and future needs of advance warning platforms are currently analyzing current global trends. Climate change is changing the global ...
Understanding and Managing Cascading Disasters in the Himalayas

Understanding and Managing Cascading Disasters in the Himalayas

Breaking News, Disasters, Thoughts & Talks
On October 4, 2023, a tragic event unfolded in the Himalayas, as a cloudburst above Lhonak Lake in North Sikkim triggered a Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF). This disaster claimed over 30 lives, obliterated the 1,200 MW Urja Hydroelectric Chungthang dam, and left a trail of destruction downstream. A stark reminder of the compounding and cascading risks induced by climate change, the Sikkim GLOF exemplifies the fragility of the Himalayan mountainous region and the severe threats it faces. Unveiling GLOF and Cloudburst Dynamics in Himalayas Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) stem from the sudden rupture of glacial lake dams. The Sikkim Himalayas, particularly the Teesta basin, are home to a plethora of such glacial lakes. South Lhonak Lake, one of the largest and fastest-growing gl...
Fukushima Nuclear Plant Worker Found with Elevated Radiation Levels in Nose

Fukushima Nuclear Plant Worker Found with Elevated Radiation Levels in Nose

Breaking News, Tech
A worker at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant has been discovered with elevated radiation levels in his nose, raising concerns about the ongoing challenges associated with the decommissioning process of the plant. The worker is suspected to have removed their full-face mask after completing tasks, potentially exposing themselves to radioactive materials. Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) reassured that the employee is not facing immediate health issues, and a comprehensive full-body scan showed no signs of internal contamination. This incident follows a similar one three months ago when four workers were splashed with water containing radioactive materials, resulting in hospitalization for two of them. The Fukushima nuclear plant suffered a major disaster in 2011 after a massive earthquake and...
Australia to Unveil DeepSouth: World’s First Supercomputer to Simulate Human Brain Networks

Australia to Unveil DeepSouth: World’s First Supercomputer to Simulate Human Brain Networks

Breaking News, Tech
Australian researchers are on the verge of unveiling the world’s first supercomputer designed to simulate brain networks at an unprecedented scale. Named DeepSouth, this groundbreaking supercomputer is being developed by Western Sydney University, with the potential to revolutionize our understanding of how the human brain processes information with incredible energy efficiency. The human brain, consuming a mere 20 watts of power, achieves the processing equivalent of an exaflop, or a billion-billion mathematical operations per second. DeepSouth, set to go online next year, will boast a remarkable capability of 228 trillion synaptic operations per second, rivaling the estimated rate of operations in the human brain. The primary objective of DeepSouth is to unravel the mysteries of th...
Octopus DNA Reveals Evidence of West Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapse During Last Warm Spell

Octopus DNA Reveals Evidence of West Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapse During Last Warm Spell

Breaking News, Environment
In a groundbreaking study published in Science, scientists have turned to the DNA of octopuses living in Antarctica’s frigid waters to uncover evidence of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet’s (WAIS) collapse during the Last Interglacial, a warm period 129,000 to 116,000 years ago. Lead author Sally Lau from James Cook University and her team analyzed the genes of geographically-isolated populations of Turquet’s octopus, discovering genetic mixing that indicated the existence of trans-West Antarctic seaways connecting the Weddell, Amundsen, and Ross seas. The findings suggest that WAIS collapsed during the Last Interglacial when global temperatures were approximately 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer than pre-industrial levels, reflecting current conditions due to human-induced climate change. The st...