Tuesday, September 17News That Matters


Groundbreaking Discovery: Hidden Structures Found Beneath Mars’ Surface, Hint at Active Interior

Groundbreaking Discovery: Hidden Structures Found Beneath Mars’ Surface, Hint at Active Interior

In a monumental discovery, scientists have unveiled massive, dense structures hidden beneath the sur...
NASA’s Juno Mission Discovers New Volcano on Jupiter’s Moon Io

NASA’s Juno Mission Discovers New Volcano on Jupiter’s Moon Io

Jupiter's moon Io, known as the most volcanically active body in the Solar System, has once again as...
Mysterious Formation of Earth’s Inner Core: How Mineral Physics is Unlocking Secrets Beneath Our Feet

Mysterious Formation of Earth’s Inner Core: How Mineral Physics is Unlocking Secrets Beneath Our Feet

Deep below Earth’s surface, at a staggering depth of over 5,100 km, lies the inner core a solid ball...




Navigating the Challenges of Climate Disclosure: How Companies Can Prepare for the Future of Sustainability Reporting

Navigating the Challenges of Climate Disclosure: How Companies Can Prepare for the Future of Sustainability Reporting

As global climate commitments continue to grow, the importance of accurate and comprehensive climate...
Antarctic Polar Vortex Faces Unprecedented Instability, Raising Global Weather Concerns

Antarctic Polar Vortex Faces Unprecedented Instability, Raising Global Weather Concerns

The Antarctic polar vortex, a typically stable mass of cold air swirling above Antarctica, is showin...
Discovery of Intermediate Mass Black Hole in IRS 13 Offers Vital Clues to Black Hole Evolution

Discovery of Intermediate Mass Black Hole in IRS 13 Offers Vital Clues to Black Hole Evolution

In a breakthrough that could significantly advance our understanding of black hole evolution, astron...
Rajasthan to Launch First 10 Year Road Safety Action Plan in India

Rajasthan to Launch First 10 Year Road Safety Action Plan in India

Rajasthan is set to become the first state in India to adopt a comprehensive 10-year action plan for...