Thursday, September 19News That Matters

Thoughts & Talks

NASA-ISRO Collaboration: NISAR Satellite to Provide Unprecedented Insights into Earth’s Cryosphere

NASA-ISRO Collaboration: NISAR Satellite to Provide Unprecedented Insights into Earth’s Cryosphere

Breaking News, Disasters, Space, Thoughts & Talks
NASA and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) are joining forces to launch the NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) satellite, slated to become a game-changer in monitoring Earth's cryosphere – the frozen surfaces of land and ice. Set to launch in 2024 from southern India, NISAR will offer unparalleled observations, measuring key Earth vital signs related to the health of wetlands, ground deformation caused by volcanoes, and the dynamics of land and sea ice. NISAR's unique capabilities lie in its ability to observe nearly all of the planet's land and ice surfaces twice every 12 days. This comprehensive coverage will be facilitated by two radar systems: an L-band system with a 10-inch wavelength and an S-band system with a 4-inch wavelength. The L-band is adept at penetrat...
Study Reveals Major US Atlantic Coast Cities Are Sinking at Alarming Rates

Study Reveals Major US Atlantic Coast Cities Are Sinking at Alarming Rates

Breaking News, Climate Actions, Environment, Thoughts & Talks
A recent study has uncovered a concerning reality for major cities on the US Atlantic coast, including New York City, Long Island, and other coastal regions – they are sinking at a rate of 2mm per year. The sinking land poses significant threats, raising concerns about flooding, long-term viability, and the potential impact on densely populated areas. The research, published in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, sheds light on the impact of sinking land on major metropolitan areas like Baltimore, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach. These coastal cities are already susceptible to flooding, and the additional threat of sinking land amplifies the risks. While the sinking may appear gradual, researchers emphasize that the consequences are real and pose a serious threat to th...
Impending Catastrophe in Kashmir as Over 100 Rock Glaciers Face Melting Threat

Impending Catastrophe in Kashmir as Over 100 Rock Glaciers Face Melting Threat

Breaking News, Climate Actions, Thoughts & Talks
A groundbreaking study conducted by researchers from the Amrita School for Sustainable Futures of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kerala, has unveiled a looming environmental crisis in Kashmir. The research, led by Assistant Professor Remya S. N, reveals that more than 100 active permafrost structures, commonly known as rock glaciers, in the region are at risk of melting, posing a severe threat to the Jhelum river basin. According to a report published in Down To Earth (DTE), the study indicates that these rock glaciers, which accumulate large amounts of water, are showing signs of swelling and displacement, indicative of permafrost melting. If the temperatures continue to rise, it could lead to massive devastation in the Jhelum basin, with potentially disastrous consequences for the region...
Tokyo Runway Collision: A Tragedy and Lession Learned

Tokyo Runway Collision: A Tragedy and Lession Learned

Breaking News, Disasters, Thoughts & Talks
On January 2nd, 2024, a Japan Airlines Airbus A350 carrying 379 people collided with a Japanese Coast Guard aircraft at Tokyo's Haneda Airport. While miraculously all passengers and crew on the JAL flight survived, five of the six crew members on the Coast Guard plane tragically perished. The accident sent shockwaves through Japan and the aviation industry, prompting a thorough investigation and renewed focus on runway safety. The Incident: The JAL flight was approaching Haneda for landing when it collided with the Coast Guard turboprop aircraft on the runway. The smaller plane burst into flames, while the JAL aircraft skidded down the tarmac, sustaining significant damage. Thankfully, a swift and coordinated emergency response ensured the safe evacuation of all passengers and crew fr...
Unlocking the Lifesaving Potential of Location-Based Technology with Cutting-Edge Solutions to improve Emergency Response

Unlocking the Lifesaving Potential of Location-Based Technology with Cutting-Edge Solutions to improve Emergency Response

Breaking News, Disasters, Tech, Thoughts & Talks
In the recent age of technological advancement, location-based technology stands out for its versatility and wide-ranging applications. While commonly recognized for mapping, navigation, and analytics, one of its most impactful yet often overlooked use cases is its potential to save lives and expedite emergency/disaster response efforts. This article explores the views and insights of the transformative role of location-based technology in emergency situations, shedding light on its capabilities, applications, and the potential it holds for improving overall emergency preparedness. The Power of Location-Based Technology in Emergencies There are views and pictorial representation of a scenarios where chaos erupts due to an emergency, and it counts every second by the humanity. The traditi...
Assessing Coastal Vulnerability to climate and non-climate drivers: Major Concerns for Coastal residing mega cities

Assessing Coastal Vulnerability to climate and non-climate drivers: Major Concerns for Coastal residing mega cities

Breaking News, Climate Actions, Thoughts & Talks
Climate change is global phenomena, which impacting humanity form multi-dimensional way. The sea level rise is currently one of the most important climate change pressures along the coastal belt across the globe before the humanity. Recent reports and analysis says that, it is expected to continue rising and possibly accelerate during this century due to the increase in the average global surface temperature, and contributions from changes in ice sheet dynamics. The data analyzed by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report (IPCC AR4) that the sea level is projected to rise between the present (1980 to 1999) and the end of the 21st century (2090 to 2099) under the six SRES scenarios1 by between 18 and 59 centimeters. The global mean sea-level rise scenarios or p...
Satellite Technology Emerges as a Lifesaver for Utilities and Disasters Impacts Assessments

Satellite Technology Emerges as a Lifesaver for Utilities and Disasters Impacts Assessments

Breaking News, Climate Actions, Space, Thoughts & Talks
Amidst these challenges, satellite technology has emerged as a beacon of hope for utilities. Leveraging high-resolution, multispectral imaging techniques, satellites contribute significantly to disaster management, offering real-time data, continuous monitoring, and risk assessment. The advantages of satellite technology for utilities in disaster management are manifold. Accuracy and Availability of Near Real-Time Data: In times of storms and disasters, rapid response is crucial for saving lives and minimizing risks. Satellites provide accurate, continuous, and near real-time data, transcending geographical, weather, and terrain limitations. With thousands of earth observation satellites capturing data through optical, LiDAR, radar, and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery, utilitie...
Solutions for Sustainable Menstrual Hygiene:  A strategic blueprint for environmental resilience and empowerment

Solutions for Sustainable Menstrual Hygiene: A strategic blueprint for environmental resilience and empowerment

Breaking News, Environment, Thoughts & Talks
Circular economy is an economic model designed to minimize waste and make the most of resources by promoting sustainability and longevity in product life cycles. In a traditional linear economy, goods are produced, used, and then discarded as waste. In contrast, a circular economy aims to close the loop, emphasizing the continual use, refurbishment, and recycling of products to extend their lifespan and reduce environmental impact. This approach encourages the design of products with recyclability in mind, efficient waste management, and the development of sustainable business practices. By shifting from the linear "take, make, dispose" model to a circular one, the goal is to create a more resilient and regenerative system that fosters environmental stewardship and economic prosperity. ...
Climate Mitigation through Nature-Based Solutions (NBS)

Climate Mitigation through Nature-Based Solutions (NBS)

Breaking News, Climate Actions, Thoughts & Talks
Climate change has profound and far-reaching effects on the environment, impacting ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural processes. One of the most pronounced consequences is the rise in global temperatures, leading to more frequent and severe heatwaves. This warming contributes to the melting of glaciers and polar ice caps, causing rising sea levels and threatening coastal ecosystems and low-lying communities. Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns also disrupt ecosystems and alter the distribution of plant and animal species, often leading to shifts in migration patterns and the emergence of new ecological challenges. Moreover, climate change intensifies extreme weather events, including hurricanes, droughts, floods, and wildfires. These events have devastating effects on both...
Use of Emerging Technologies like Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning in Disaster Risk Reduction: Opportunities, challenges, and prospects

Use of Emerging Technologies like Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning in Disaster Risk Reduction: Opportunities, challenges, and prospects

Breaking News, Tech, Thoughts & Talks
In the recent era of digital world, Artificial intelligence has become most popular and innovative technology, which is playing a critical role in managing disaster risk and predicting the extreme events. It has a wide range of applications from the forecasting the extreme weather events, to development of hazard maps, to the detection of events in real time basis, and integrated with spatial technology can provide the real-time situational awareness for any disaster event, and beyond. When we talk about AI let’s try to understand the AI form technology perspectives and how this can improve the disasters management practices.  AI refers to emerging technologies that mimic or even outperform the human intelligence while performing certain tasks or even to automate the things. AI tools an...